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About the Caritas Dinner

The love of God and neighbour which leads to true Christian charity, care and concern. The annual Caritas Award Dinner honours those who have made outstanding contributions towards others and the fabric of life in Manitoba. The Foundation held the inaugural Caritas Award Dinner in 1979 to honour organizations or individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the well-being of the citizens of the Province of Manitoba, to the Catholic community, or
provided exceptional service in support of Catholic values,works and causes. Past recipients include bishops, religious orders, laypersons and other clergy, service organizations and outstanding community leaders.
For the first six years of the Dinner, the proceeds helped to build up the value of the general Capital Fund. Since then, the proceeds of the Caritas Dinner have been used to offset the modest operating costs of the Foundation in order to maximize funds available for grants.
In the course of honoring organizations and individuals who have been exemplars of caring leadership and service in all of Manitoba, the Caritas Dinner has become a time of celebration for Catholics from all dioceses and individuals who support Catholic values. In so doing, the dinner has become the preeminent celebration of the broader community in Manitoba.
The Caritas Award Dinner attendance has averaged 500-750 persons in past years. They represent people and communities of varied walks of life and interests who are united by their desire to foster Catholic values and community improvement for the sake of all Manitobans.
The Dinner provides an excellent opportunity for individuals and corporations to support the Catholic Foundation of Manitoba’s mission through the Caritas Award Dinner sponsorship program outlined on our website.
Past Award Recipients
Caritas Award Recipients
2023- Janelle Delorme & Norma McDonald, CSC
2022 - Sara Riel Inc.
2021 - Centre Flavie-Laurent Inc.
2019 - Joy Smith
2018 - Catholic Health Association of Manitoba
2017 - Conrad Wyrzykowski
2016 - The Service of Consecrated Men in Manitoba
2015 - The Service of Consecrated Women in Manitoba
2014 - Actionmarguerite, Holy Family Home and St. Joseph’s Residence
2013 - The memory of Blessed Nykyta Budka and more than 100 years of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Manitoba
2012 - The Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions
2011 - St.Amant
2010 - Most Reverend V. James Weisgerber, Ph.L., S.T.L., D.D.
2009 - L’Arche Winnipeg
2008 - The Sisters of the Good Shepherd and Marymound
2007 - The Catholic Schools of Manitoba
2006 - The Knights of Columbus of Manitoba
2005 - Jaroslaw Barwinsky, M.D., F.R.C.S.C., F.A.C.S, F.A.C.C, F.A.C.C.P.
2004 - The Congregation of The Missionary Oblate Sisters of St. Boniface
2003 - Most Reverend Peter Sutton, O.M.I., D.D. and Most Reverend Reynald Rouleau, O.M.I., D.D.
2002 - The Community of Rossbrook House
2001 - Leo Mol, O.C., O.M., L.L.D., R.C.A.
2000 - Missionaries of Charity Sisters of Winnipeg
1999 - The Misericordia Sisters
1998 - His Grace Archbishop Leonard J. Wall, S.T.D., D.D.
1997 - Pauline Dyrkacz, Céline Houde, Patricia Soenen, Madeline Spence, Elizabeth Willcock, C.M.
1996 - Son Excellence Monseigneur Antoine Hacault, D.D.
1995 - Joseph C. Stangl, K.S.G., C.M.
1994 - Sisters of St. Benedict
1993 - The Society of Mary (the Marianists)
1992 - Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate (Ukrainian Order)
1991 - The Catholic Women’s League of Canada,
Manitoba Provincial Council, La Ligue féminine catholique du
Manitoba, The Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada,
Winnipeg Archeparchy
1990 - Roland Couture, C.M., Arthur V. Mauro O.C., John J. Nowosad
1989 - The Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
1988 - The Manitoba Clergy of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, The Redemptorist Fathers, The Order of
St. Basil the Great, The Secular Priests
1987 - The Society of Jesus
1986 - The Oblates of Mary Immaculate
1985 - The Grey Nuns of Manitoba
1984 - Honourable F.L. (Bud) Jobin, Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba
1983 - His Eminence George B. Cardinal Flahiff, C.S.B., C.C., D.D.
1982 - His Grace Archbishop Maxim Hermaniuk, C.Ss.R.
1981 - Edwin G. Cass, Joseph Donovan, William English
1980 - Son Excellence Monseigneur Maurice Baudoux, D.D.
1979 - His Grace Archbishop Philip F. Pocock, D.D.
Service Award Recipients
2023- Most Reverend Murray Chatlain
2022- Sharon Blady
2021 - Karin Gordon & Tom Denton
2019 - Carol Peloquin, snjm & Bo Gajda
2018 - André Blondeau
Charity of Choice
2023 - Returning to Spirit
2022- Artbeat Studio
2021 - Hospitality House Refugee Ministry
2019 - Future Hope Home
2018 - Holy Names House of Peace
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