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Creating a legacy

The Catholic Foundation receives donations in a variety of ways, either to create Designated Funds (a fund recipient or purpose is named) or through the General Fund (income from which is granted to charitable organizations).
Your gift to the Foundation will support education, service, and charitable works in the Catholic tradition and will help to strengthen the broader community in Manitoba. It will also be your legacy, helping Catholic values flourish in Manitoba
There are several ways to give to the Foundation:
A bequest is one of the most common ways a donor chooses to make a gift. It is a legal directive (a gift of cash or property) in a will or other document that takes effect upon the death of the donor.
An endowment is a donation of money or property that may or may not be designated and is intended for specific purpose such as a scholarship. The principal amount is kept intact while the investment income is available for use.
In Memory Of
A request may be made that in lieu of flowers, a donation in memory of their loved one be made to the Catholic Foundation of Manitoba.
Stocks and other Public Traded Securities
A gift of appreciated securities is one way to make a significant contribution at a reduced cost to you. Federal tax laws allow a charitable deduction for the full market value of the securities on the date of the gift with no capital gains tax, to the donor, on the appreciation.
Life Insurance
This type of gift will enhance the Foundation’s ability in future years to maintain and pursue its mission of helping the needy in Manitoba.
Charitable Reminder Trust
You can make a major gift now and continue to enjoy the income from it for the rest of your life.
Help Create a Legacy
Since the establishment of the Catholic Foundation in 1964, many donors have created meaningful legacies. Each legacy gift makes an enormous impact on the charitable organization that receives the support.
Please consider planning now to establish a legacy gift in support of causes important to you. We will work with you to ensure your gift reflects your intentions and fulfills your commitment to the future.
One Shining Example: The Molly McLennan Fund
Molly McLennan was a long time parishioner of St. Ignatius Parish. She made arrangements in her will for a gift “in kind” of appreciated securities through the Catholic Foundation to financially support the parish in perpetuity. This gift also provided for substantial tax savings for her estate because the securities had accumulated significant capital gains that would have been otherwise taxable.
Started in 2016, the McLennan Fund included $466,552 to be held in perpetuity and had generated over $57,000 in grants for St. Ignatius parish. This was a generous gift that proved beneficial for both her estate and her former parish.
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